Indian Wedding

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Telugu Wedding Ceremony

Telugu Wedding Ceremony

In Telugu wedding ceremony, special emphasis is laid on spirituality. Each ritual has a lot of significance. Wife is considered to be the ardhangini, as in better half of her husband. Read on to explore information about Telugu matrimonial customs & traditions…

Here is provided information about traditional Telugu marriage rituals:

Pre Wedding Rituals

* Muhurtam
* Pendlikoothuru Ceremony
* Snathakam Ritual
* Kashi Yatra
* Mangala Snaanam Custom
* Aarti
* Ganesh and Gauri puja

Wedding Rituals

* Kanyadaan
* Jeelakarra Bellamu
* Madhuparkam
* Sumangli
* Tying of the Mangalsutra
* Kanya Daan Akshata Ceremony
* Saptapadi
* Sthaalipaakam Custom

Post Wedding Rituals

* Grihapravesh Ceremony

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