Indian Wedding

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Jewish Wedding Rituals

Jewish Wedding Rituals

Here is provided information on Jewish wedding rituals:

Wedding Ceremony
To begin with, the Rabbi checks the huppah, which is basically a canopy under which the religious ceremonies are carried out. This is done so as to ensure that there are two Kiddush cups and wine, which will be used during the performance of ceremony. The bridesmaids, usherers, maid and matron of honor, best man and other close relatives are made to stand around the huppah.

The groom and bride walk down the passage separately. Usually, they are accompanied by their parents. The bridegroom's side is the first to enter and the bride and her parents are the last ones. Thereafter, the couple is made to stand, next to each other, under the huppah. The huppah represents the new home of the couple. Over a cup of wine, the rabbi recites the blessings and the bride and groom are asked to take a sip. After that the couple exchanges their rings.

Reading Of Ketubah
It is followed by the reading of Ketubah, the marriage contract that is written beforehand and duly signed by two witnesses. It also makes a clear mention of the dowry and the alimony amount that the wife will receive in case of divorce. The Rabbi hands over Ketubah to the bridegroom, which he further gives to his wife to keep. This completes the legal formalities of the marriage ceremony.

Sheva Berakhot Ceremony
In Sheva Berakhot ceremony, seven blessings are recited over a cup of wine.

Thereafter, the relatives come closer and bless the newly weds over a cup of wine. It is customary that an empty glass, covered with cloth, is kept under the bridegroom's feet and he is asked to break it. Through this act, the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem is recalled. Thereafter, the bridegroom kisses his beloved wife.

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