Indian Wedding

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Kashmiri Post Wedding Rituals

Kashmiri Post Wedding Rituals

Here is provided information about Kashmiri post wedding rituals:

Satraat Ceremony
In the Satraat ceremony, the bride visits her parental house in the evening time. Usually, she is accompanied by her husband and a few kids. The newly wedded couple is presented new attire on this occasion.

Phirlath Ceremony
It is the same as Satraat ceremony but it takes place during the second time the couple visits the bride's parents house. This time also, they are given a set of new clothing.

Roth Khabar
In Roth khabar ritual, the bride's parents send a freshly baked traditional cake to their daughter's house on the Saturday or Tuesday after the wedding. It is brought to the girl's house by her brother. When he goes back, his sister as in the bride also accompanies her. Infact, she stays at her parents' house for a few days and comes back to her house when some one from her in-laws family comes to take her.

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